A ring, a ring, in the nose...
To be led around, do you suppose?
What a big bad pain...
What is in a ball and chain?
Nag, nag, nag and rag...
What comes next? , but a gravitational sag.
Nip and tuck, nip and tuck...
The only way that he'll wanna f_ _ ck!
Plastic surgery is well on the horizon...
That's the only way, you'll see him risen'.
These ideas are what some men of marriage deem...
Juvenile and Male chauvinistic pigs, are what they seem.
I however like the institution of the normal marriage...
Two women or two men holding hands and kissing creates a real unacceptable situation. problems followed by a lot occasional spells of unwanted stairriage. (stare-age) .
Male chauvinistically views...
Always seem to make the TV and head line news.
Michael Gale