everyday i use a defense mechanism
i'm at my funeral and who do i see
the devil, god, demons tormenting me
my mom didn't love me man
my dad didn't give a damn
love becomes a delusional
i saw a demon during my mammogram
im going through unconscious mental processes, including projection, rationalization, and repression
all these years full of oppression
my depression is felt as an increase mental tension
biologically adapted to my attention
im losing all my equilibrium on earth
i'm writing off problematic events as being too minor to worry about
had my face buried in the dirt
The converting of unconscious dreams turn into nightmares
didn't spend my whole life with fears
constructing a logical justification for homicide
momentary rejection to catastrophic events
make me think of suicide
there is no theoretical consensus on the amount of pain inside me
Hysteria goes through my nucleus and centre
my past would have been better if i had a rolemodel or mentor
my soul is a obsessional neurosis
heart full of hallucinatory confusion
heaven on earth is a spiritual illusion
Mara SalvatruchaDemon