You came be my father on Valentines
Day 1958 it was a cold day, you were
your so tall your hair and eyes so dark.
I know now you loved us so very much
you adopted us.
John and I loved you for this.
I'm sorry now that my heart was not their
always, for their were others on my mind and in
my heart.
You cant take a small child away from one
father and tell them you have a new father
When your five that does not sit well with them
I do have beautiful memories of you as a
As teenagers I know we were rough on you .
and for this I speak for the both of us were
sorry for all of that.
I'm sorry we were not there when you died.
I'll tell you a secret John and I came to see
alone and said our good-byes.
We did not want to share that with the world
John and I have always loved you