stainless steel glass memories visions i cant seem to shake from my mind the eternal constant vision of your gaze worthy face
the sight of your loveliness makes me celebrate one more day my feet are upon this earth
and curse it to the darkest pits of its black depths
yet i cannot help but weep at the knowledge that face will never be mine to memorize truly never to see that face within a crowd an silently scream my happiness and joy
yours is a beauty that i cannot be jubilant to see
i wont ever stroke those cheeks with my hand with a gentle affection or stare into those incredible black eyes that make me quiver
i wont ever smooth the hair from your forehead or how much i study the changes around your powerful smile wanting to dare and kiss those rich full lips that seem to scream out 'i am here press your lips to my own and make us both complete' your slender nose only centers my vision and those cute ears make me long to whisper the truth of my feelings into them
i will never belong with you nor will my needs and desire to live this life with that beautiful face surrounding me ever be real
all because i cannot say 'hello'
Paul Foulkes