A tremor will rattle
the earth on the day
I meet you.
The depths of the auras that surround us
intercircling each other
will tell the moon to appear
with the sun.
I pray that when I embrace you,
you become something that won't slip through
my fingers. You don't fade away
like a mismatched radio signal.
Tell me you will keep your feet glued by
my side, you won't compare me and trade me in
like a fad for a newer trend.
I will keep wishing for the day,
I can look you in the eyes
and know I finally found what
I always confused for you
before that day.
Now, I let you go like a captured
butterfly but you flutter back to me,
only to tell me that you are ready
to just love me, no exceptions
or trade- ins.
Just a whole complete love
you might only experience from above.
Chelsea DeVries