Nothing seems to be so sure
As I am to myself.
No one displays so much hope
Like I have on myself.
Nothing changes in my world,
All facets, with love I behold!
Only ‘Me’ all alone,
With pride I live in my tone!
My name, my fame and my destiny
I am surrounded only by me.
The one whose always there
To care and console in despair,
The one that really understands
In trials and turbulence
By my side who stands,
Gives moral courage when in fear
The first one to wipe every tear
The one I always turn to hold on
The one who follows me when I am gone,
Me and my soul forever in love!
Most dependable next to god above.
So strongly in me I believe,
Valiantly ever I can live,
Only ‘I’ ‘myself’ and ‘me’
with what I am, I am content
And nothing else is more important.
Seema Aarella