Skye Masen - I Don't Even Know Why I Like Him 2014-06-15

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I Don't Even Know Why I Like Him
He isn't that good-looking
He isn't that smart
He isn't that nice
But I still can't stop from liking him
Since I've started talking to him
I can't get him out of my mind
Every single day and night
I'm thinking about him
He drives me off the wall at times
Like when he does that cute smile of his
Or when he waves at me
Sometimes he annoys the living crap out of me
Like when he makes fun of me
But even when he took my picture the other day
When he told me his phone number
I didn't even know I could be filled with this much joy
I want him to be mine
Though I know that won't ever happen
I'm glad that I can at least
Be a buddy of his

Skye Masen

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