Like Buddha
And Vivekananda
Sudhamani, like many avatars
Disclosed many characters
Of God-realized giants.
Her greatest feeling,
To house all being;
Her startling memory,
To recollect any story;
Her by-hearting power,
To recap words-shower;
Amazed teachers, parents,
Later globally people-torrents!
From childhood she knew the art
Of utilizing time to the most.
Time she could not waste.
She would always utter,
‘Krishna’ – the thief of butter!
At her hut,
The cow-shed,
Her favourite place,
Where she could dance,
Singing devotional songs,
Like Krishna full of pranks!
Kids were attracted to Sudha,
As Gopis towards Krishna.
She would engage them,
Singing divine names.
Or she would encourage them,
Playing various games.
Little Sudhamani in village,
Among people of different age,
Lotus in a muddy pond,
Diamond in dusty hold.
Nobody knew the heights,
Of her spiritual tides,
In that age of seven
She lived in heaven
Created in her mind
Where Krishna was bound!
When she was eight
She tied Krishna tight
By love deep and vast.
She would cry wailing
‘Krishna my darling!
This world is complete
With pains and plights.
Please forget not
This tiny tot.
You, I am always calling.
Won’t you hear my yelling?
Won’t you come to play with me? ’ 130708
Raman Savithiri