The agony and ecstasy
of love inspires poetry
Which otherwise would not exist.
I am quite sure it would be missed.
Though I can only speak for me
I find romantic poetry
can pass the time so pleasantly.
Arousing instant sympathy.
For those who love but love in vain.
Who choose to share with me their pain
and those who win their hearts desire.
Set forth their joy in words of fire.
I read as if I’m in a trance.
Vicariously enjoy romance.
experience at second hand.
Love stories I can understand.
Although they don’t apply to me
I read them sympathetically.
In love you either win or lose.
It seems to me you cannot choose.
The agony and ecstasy
of love inspires poetry.
It has been so through history
Will always be so probably.
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ivor or ivor.e hogg