True Horror is Truth
Can you handle the horror
of knowing the truth?
With fish hooked eyes of sincerity
and bleeding gums
covered in the pasteurized scum
of fluoridated mint flavored toothpaste
with stripes running down the back
of your bristled flossing tool
you clean the plaque from your life
while your dentist drills a hole
in your theory of relativity Einstein.
With callous indifference
your love squeezes brass balls
as she wrings your etiolated heart of its
last drops of bloody caring
and then pauses as she wipes her hands
on a paper napkin given to her
with a super sized order of salted lard.
Is any of this getting through to you?
Counting cholesterol both good and bad
makes no sense to your gout filled legs
as you walk up a flight of steep stairs
to get out of the basement as it floods
because someone predicted
a slight chance of rain
and you left your condoms in the locker
of your alma mater
while your illegitimate offspring
are being raised by a family of meteorologists
with bad joint pain and arthritis.
Hello Mr. Relativity
Can you hear me now?
Tarski's Truth Theorem
was an overstated fact.
For if truth and provability are assumed
to be interchangeable
then we all are Ape men
and it is a jungle out there and.....
And to top that horror off
'We've got No Bananas Today'
Ted Sheridan