Paolo Giuseppe Mazzarello - Psychoanalytic Poems: Freud and H.D. -2- 2014-06-14

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How does it end between Sigmund and Hilda? In the first part of this poem we've left the doctor in the grips with the vivacity of an American girl. We'd like a happy ending. If history doesn't help us, we'll resort to fantasy. Or to hope.

Sigmund reminded her of her mother,
Then Hilda felt as a mother to him.
Sigmund couldn't leave his castle,
One night the Earth's Ghost called on him.
Sigmund and Hilda found themselves
In the sun of the Lesbos's beach.
There were books, there were carpets,
Dark was faded. Moravia begot some people,
Pennsylvania fed somebody else,
Greece welcomed and renewed Sigm. and Hilda.

The End
* The Earth's Ghost is that of 'Faust' by Goethe. Sigmund was born in Freiberg (Moravia) , Hilda in Bethlehem (Pennsylvania) . Hilda Doolittle visited and loved the Greek Islands.

Paolo Giuseppe Mazzarello

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