Barry Van Allen - All American Snooty! 2014-06-14

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He smoked a cigarette, therefore he must be put to death!
... He just won the U.S.Open! ! !
He's from Argentina - - -
... they have heard of common sense down there!

BUT, BUT - - - he did that right in public!
... and he did it all outdoors.

BUT, BUT - - - it pollutes everybody's air!
... Are you telling me that you WALKED here?

BUT, BUT - - - he littered on the golf course!
... when you explain to me why non-smokers feel free,
to throw their garbage on my lawn as they ride by,
maybe then I'll listen.

BUT, BUT - - - it's a competitive advantage,
because nicotine can calm you down!
... Until you test for coffee;
I don't want to hear it!

BUT, BUT - - - it sets a bad example for
our children!
... Until you find a new recorder that can edit
out your stupidity,
... I do not think that you have a case there either!

I'm not naive enough to consider for a moment,
that common sense will stop your overwhelming
need to run everybody's life!
... Be careful what you wish for!

Barry Van Allen

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