Let me remain here in the enclosing labyrinth of words
where the faint, obscured stars shine brightly for me
instead of imbibing their pastry and coffee
for their world is better, left unsaid
You can say very little and become like a rock
but that is no kind of virtue for a man
whose mind was not made
only for breaking open ground nuts
And their religions would restrict us to only things
the caveman had, lest we squander our living
in the pleasure of leisure; many small minds
can still make a strong wall
Keep dreaming your unholy dreams of tomorrow
and don't shield your face from the too-bright sun
Inside us is a secret place exhorting us towards truth,
the kind that’s known only by experience,
and none other can stand your place for you
Their sterile nights are but the first stirrings of our eternities..
Patti Masterman