Shush let me tell you a story of a first kiss
Let me show you what happened when two persons made the same wish
Hands lay light in the palm of another's
Fingers stroke gently the fingers of the other's
Words go through one ear and out the other
As the mind focused solely on the lips of another.
They never laughed or smiled the way they do
They never knew they were both the prey, they had no clue.
The sudden adjustment of one's sitting brought them closer
It’s almost 5 am crows the nearby rooster.
So I guess we better go home now says one to the other
But no reply from the lips of the other
I want to kiss you says their eye
I am thirsty says their lips as to keep calm each try
One licks the lips instinctively
And the other parts theirs proactively
Their eyelids fake a sleepy eye
And the night insects sing a sweet lullaby
Smooth, wet, soft and sweet
The feelings which flooded their minds as their lips did meet.
They kissed like natural romancers
As their lips moved in rhythm like synchronized dancers
There is always that very first kiss
It happens when two persons make that very same wish
Orlando Edwin