The door ajar, entices with vapours and vignettes
The familiar surroundings an affirmation
The all day guy with temporary Tourette's
Two more deep in conversation
Recognition at the bar, a smile and a chat
Ease me into my element
Mild abuse, bad jokes and all that
The superficiality is Heaven sent
A glass delivered, glowing, foaming
The ominous vessel is knowingly gripped
To sounds of barmaids, boyfriends bemoaning
The first imbibe lasciviously sipped
The potent potation finds it's mark
Delivering satisfaction sublime
The portal opens and, emerging from the dark
Another practised partner in crime
So it begins, our paces matched
The failings of the day decried
Future glories and plans are hatched
With bantering barmaids along for the ride
Tempus fugit, an hour or more
Paces quickened, glasses raise
Observant staff know the score
A signal brings the second phase
Distilled grain and sweet caffeine
Help make the troubled world all right
Ensconced within a scene serene
We venture on into the night
With stories, laughs and thoughts profound
And verbal jousts without delay
Anon, the death knell comes around
We live to drink another day
Esra Sloblock