Amy Kerswell - Pain of the night I remember 2014-06-13

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Watch as this tear falls into empty space
See it fall into life's nameless place
Can you see the glisten as it catches the light
That sparkle once was happiness that is no longer in sight
In the pain of the night I remember.

Wait, can you hear it? A sob has broke free
Has shook the lungs cold, but yet it continues to be.
It lingers on as a nightmare enters in the night.
I remember sheer hell.
I recall what you did.
And once again check out of my self.
In the pain of the night I remeber still.

A shudder, a scream, darkness envelops your soul
The darkness of the night has taken its toll.
It wears you down a tad more.
For this nightmare there is no escape.
It even gets you in the day.
In the pain of the night I remeber.

In the pain of the night.
I jolt a wake.
It is with the fear I dont sleep.
And with fright I shake

Amy Kerswell

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