cora fazio - I'm With You 2014-06-13

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Today the sun is shining so bright,
like a shiny new penny.
But within my soul a thunderstorm
is erupting, like a mighty volcano.
My heart crys out in pain, that no one hears.
My mind is in limbo, unable to think and make
My family misses me. They wonder, when did I leave?
Where did I disappear to?
They still see me, but I'm not here.
I'm with you, in the recesses of my memory.
Remembering you as a child, laughing at jokes,
crying when you were hurt.
I'm with you, while your getting dressed to go to the prom.
I'm with you, when your leaving for the Air Force.
I'm with you, standing at the Pier In San Francisco.
I'm with you, ...forever.

cora fazio

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