You can only hold her for so long
she's tired of you protecting her
from the world she leaves a note
with a rose saying she doesn't belong
to you anymore I don't love you
like I use to you stole my heart you
broke many of times took my soul
and crushed it had me low but lie
to me to take so freaking high by
saying your still beautiful and I love
you but I didn't believe you anymore
I stay home to clean cook and wash
your cloths while you did your dirt I'm leaving
you tonight because you don't do me right
I would've fought for you our love but I can’t these
days I wanted to stay and take off like a morning
dove but I didn't want to cause any trouble and yes
there will always be a place in my heart with the
good memories of you and I sometimes I just want
to be free you didn't understand we should of just
been friends why can't you agree so I'm out of here and
ready for you to let go and keep going on with your life
Randy Bullocks