A time came when the cricket
Made its unpleasant sound
When stars became visible
And their faint lights could be seen
When moon shed tears of blood
Songs of war echoed from the south
Hitting their weapons on every tree
It terrified me hearing sound of their feet
As it touched the ground
Their brothers were slaughtered
Their palms stained with their father’s blood
They screamed with pleasure
After beheading a brother
Wondered me where such sounds roared
Voices of old men wailing ran to me in fright
Then I knew blood was flowing
Flames of burning huts became proud of their lights
Finally I got that answer
Whose house would be the nest to be burnt
When families have been rendered homeless
My heart ran away; I couldn't find it
Then I prayed for dawn to arrive quickly
But crickets made their unpleasant sound
While moon shed tears of blood
What a cold night I will never forget in Warri