Web News - USA: Web users stand up to gun violence

FRANCE 24 English 2014-06-13

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In this edition: American web users speaking out against gun violence; an online campaign aimed at exposing over packed passengers; and a dog that plays football …

Barack Obama there, speaking out in favour of tougher gun controls following Tuesday`s fatal shooting at a high school in the north western state of Oregon, which left one student dead. It’s the third killing in the US in less than a month, and has prompted the president to call for some national “soul searching” over gun violence.
This latest tragedy has sparked lively debate online, with many taking to social networks to comment on the growing number of armed attacks in high schools and universities across the country. Web users are asking how many students need to die before proper measures are taken to wipe out the problem once and for all. 
As illustrated on this map put together by a journalist for the "Huffington Post", the situation is getting worse… according to the document there have been 74 school shootings since December 2012, more than one every week. Barack Obama has vowed to reverse this alarming trend and is urging citizens to lobby members of US Congress and convince them to adopt stricter gun control laws.
But as a number of Twitter users are pointing out, the influential pro-gun rights lobby, the National Rifle Association, might have something to say about this … so web users are urging their fellow citizens to take a stand against the NRA, saying it is partly responsible for the spate of shootings… not everyone is of the same opinion however, supporters of the NRA have also spoken out online, saying the group is committed to preventing ... Go on reading on our web site.
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