today was just like any other day,
yet today i felt the urge to play
with the absurd thinking's of my mind.
take for example the repeating desire,
to walk down a street,
any street
with heavy feet,
to then click my fingers,
which would
turn the horizontal,
into the vertical,
such a spectacle that would be,
inside, houses
walls would be floors,
windows would be doors,
and stairs
well i suppose they would be stairs.
cars on the street
would fall down
onto a piled heap,
of other cars,
cats and dogs,
and people and frogs,
would join them,
flesh and metal
civilisation of
another kind.
this thought
this damned repeating
ought to
find another mind
to corrupt
so i can
walk easy again,
without holding onto
every lampost i pass.
Not Long Left