Rajaram Ramachandran - ##40 (Vivekananda) The First Day Program

PoemHunter.com 2014-06-12

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The first day program was
A tremendous success
For Swamiji, whose reputation
Rose up high from the day one.

While each speaker was keen
To speak on his or her religion,
Swamiji was stressing on
The need for Universal Religion.

Their deafening applause
Indicated their acceptance
O’er this religious harmony
What he told, in words many.

Whatever be the religion,
He never condemned one,
As each one led the soul
To one and the same goal.

The chosen path was different.
The spoken language was different.
But God was one, not different,
While His names were different.

Perhaps, the audience waited
For a sensible talk of this kind,
They quickly showed their response
Thru’ their continuous applause.

For that matter, everyone said,
“Swamiji actually represented
All religions of the world;
His broad mind, it revealed.”

“Unity in diversity, ” was
The essence and purpose
Of this Universal Religion,
To create “A Paradise Gain.”

Ramakrishna told him once,
“To a mansion, there’re many doors.
A scavenger enters thro’ back door,
And you need not use the same door.”

“When there’s good,
There’s also bad.
Take the one good.
Leave the one bad.”

These words Guru said
When Swamiji criticized
Some immoral practices
In the name of religions.

Rajaram Ramachandran


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