My ambassador questing days are done!
Attempting to knit a quilt with benefits...
Does not best sit with everyone,
Warming as they do under one Sun!
Nor should I try to mend lost strands of chaos!
This mix will never blend.
There's too much fighting a weave they can transcend.
All that is rumored what peace could begin!
But this pattern appears too complexed,
For minds far perplexed to see...
How these pieces fit in to release,
And all could live troubled free!
Don't be so hard on yourself!
Perhaps your tactics should be reintroduced,
With less serious content.
And more flair and pizzazz! '
I thought you came for prayer, My son?
In quiet submission? Do it! Quietly...
That lip!
'I'm 'trying', Father!
But You are disturbing my concentration!
And I am being overwhelmed!
They'll get the message.
I did! '
Pray, My son!
And 'allow' ME to deliver YOUR tasks!
Lawrence S. Pertillar