In the shadows of the night...
A shift of myths has come.
An expansion of consciousness...
To all has converged!
And so it shall be done!
On the wings of a painless recovery...
Some insist,
The suffering done by those wounded,
Could actually exist.
If this mindset was persisted.
To pretend their conflicts are imagined afflictions...
And this would diminish,
If more delusions were applied to it!
Forget foreclosures and a global economic crisis.
Forget a quality of life...
That has disappeared overnight.
Forget those who say,
What is here is here to stay!
Let's do what has always worked before...
Let's ignore it and maybe this 'newness',
Will go away!
'But that has never worked!
Only the recycling of the same,
Has been witnessed to emerge! '
In the shadows of the night...
A shift of myths has come.
An expansion of consciousness...
To all has converged!
And so it shall be done!
And those disbelieving will see for themselves,
Those pieces isolated once declared impossible fits...
Suddenly blended together with a new leadership,
That desires...
Without quitting,
A new World that demands and orders it!
In the shadows of the night...
A shift of myths has come.
An expansion of consciousness...
To all has converged!
And so it shall be done!
Lawrence S. Pertillar