It had been so long that I saw your glowing eyes
I know I had days and thoughts those are wise
Yet my heart aches for the distance between us
For within you alone lies my inner happiness
We have traveled thousands miles together
Have parted million times to wither
Yet the distance or the time never mattered
For we also lived in one thought to pamper
Cuddled me like caring for a crying child
Pampered me when I turned stubborn and wild
You have been strength, an unending support
With you around me built my happiness fort
As circumstances deterred our passion and pain
Within opportunities of being together disdained
The more of achievements, meant more of compromises
The more of ambitions meant more of self sacrifice
Yet, the human being inside me does not sleep
The vulnerable little girl arouses in a restless leap
When the thunders frighten the spirits of the soul
It searches for you endlessly amidst the roaring world
I know for sure, I am lost in this gamble called life
When I don't feel you beside or live with you as a wife
Yet what makes me strong and stubborn to grow
Is the wonderful memories of past that always glow
May never come across again
May be destined to survive this pain
But for the passion unearthed with you
Makes us strong and live along always new!
Umasree Raghunath