Only in the making of movies,
Are actors found to be handed scripts.
To then learn lines some find to be tedious.
And time well spent is sacrificed to deliver,
What's right for the price...
For the cost being paid.
Camera angles are selected,
By a director who chooses the best scenes.
And the actors are blocked within them,
To emote with belief as an audince viewing this...
With their emotions manipulated.
Only in the making of movies,
Are 'realities' depicted.
Although many in the audience become captivated,
With beliefs they also can deceive truth easily.
By saying and doing things they wish to sell.
With hopes their 'portrayals' have gone over well.
And only those who become offended,
They can not sell lies they told to tell...
Are those who become combative,
When confronted by others...
Who are specific and direct AND caring less,
How a charade is masqueraded to address.
Only in the making of movies,
Are actors found to be handed scripts.
To then learn lines some find to be tedious.
Until what is done has been finished.
But many unpaid to 'act' but embellish facts,
Find it difficult to strip away all their fantasies.
Only in the making of movies...
No one sits back to snack.
Only in the making of movies...
Every actor wants to get paid.
Only in the making of movies...
No one sits back to snack.
No one has time for that,
Since a budget has to be paid back.
Only in the making of movies...
No one sits back to snack.
Only in the making of movies...
Every actor wants to get paid.
Only in the making of movies...
No one sits back to snack.
No one has time for that,
Since a budget has to be paid back.
Only in the making of movies...
Facts are scratched!
Only in the making of movies...
Facts are scratched!
Lawrence S. Pertillar