Rebecca Vera - Your pretty brown eyes mesmerize me 2014-06-12

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Your pretty brown eyes mesmerize me
Sometimes it is hard to look at your beautiful face
As I might lose my thoughts and not know what to say
Don't ask me what's wrong, ask me how can you make my day
Missing your sex is all
Not patient enough to wait until Friday
Hoping you Kiss me in the Kitchen while no one is around
I promise I won't ever make a sound
I won't remind you of the intensity and connection we share
As you felt it too, hello you were thereā€¦
We knew it would be good just with our kiss
The feeling I felt while you were inside me was bliss
My deepest desires being fulfilled in the heat of the night
What possessed you to wait and make me yearn?
What possessed you to act upon your desires and make me learn?
That you are indeed the man I knew I wanted from the moment I saw you
Although Curiosity is satisfied I still want you there
Wanting you again, oh my, how could I dare?
Crave that being that I solely desired
For you have lighted the match
And already ignited that fire...

Rebecca Vera

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