Down the spine
Some have tried
shivers skim,
wheels to spin,
neath the skin,
games to win,
like new win[e]:
which, denied,
feelings dim, all's transition!
turned to sin and collision.
What is mine,
Worlds collide:
from within
feminine, a new Spring
fades as Time
nought will hide
gathers all in submission
underpins Life's revision.
Thus allein
The divide
each must win
must begin
through chagrin
to cave in,
to joy's mine,
brush aside,
yang and yin, twin volition
with a grin,
What's to guide
I'll confide
on from old
hopes untold,
to unfold,
and, behold,
or divide
soul from sold,
total scission?
Dare the cold of decision.
(25 November 1991)
Jonathan ROBIN