James Bredin - One Flew Over the UN Cuckoo's Nest

PoemHunter.com 2014-06-12

Views 30

Our politicians, bureaucrats and appointees want to stay,
They like it in NY at the UN and don’t want to move away,
But Canada was turned down for a Security Council place,
Indeed this appears like a terrible UN slap in the face.

So somehow, somewhere along the way, the UN went out of gear,
With their Durban I, their Durban II, and Durban III next year,
It looks like they are using Ahmadinejad as a guide,
There was a time when it appeared that we were all on the same side.

Durban III timed for start of UN General Assembly next year,
So all heads of states will be on hand while many others just leer,
Meeting to promote anti-Semitism and hatred for Jews,
The UN should be closed down now because it has ceased to amuse.

Nov 19th,2010

James Bredin


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