The difference between a man of honor
and a man of angry disrespect;
is that the man of disrespect crawls
along the ground and sneaks behind the back
to place himself in one's strictest confidence;
whereas a man of honor never falls
never feels the need to sneak or crawl
he strives until his final dying breath is expelled
to stand heads and shoulders above the rest
and when his body does hit the ground
he dies with honor and the respect
of a free people who with enormous praise
in their collective voice
will testify as to this hero's courage;
but when the man of angry disrespect
finally meets his agonistic demise
the truths that he sought so hard to conceal
will finally be fully revealed
for he will bear the distinguishable mark
of a shameless forgotten coward
upon his despicable and loathsome head;
he then will take his place for all eternity
with the rest of the Dregs of Society's
an indigent multitude
forced to lie in their well deserved squalor
You know who you are. Get yourself some hip boots.
Ted Sheridan