Janet Hamilton - Elegiac Verses

PoemHunter.com 2014-06-11

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Inscribed, and Sacred to the Memory of the Rev. Dr. John Campbell, of London, who died March 26, 1867.

Oh, faithful unto death! thy work is done;
Thy course is finished, and the goal is won;
Thy warfare ended, the reward is given-
A crown of life, the victor's palm in Heaven.

A warrior on the battle-field of life,
When truth and error met in mortal strife,
'Twas his to wield with power the Spirit sword,
And conquer in the battles of the Lord.

From superstition's thrall to free the mind,
The galling chains of slav'ry to unbind,
The Word of God, untrammelled and unbound,
Diffusing free as air the world around.

For this, with zeal that would not swerve or turn,
He strove, 'while thoughts that breathe and words that burn'
Flashed from his pen, and glowed upon the page-
The beacon light of truth from age to age.

The stroke was sudden, and the tidings came
Swift flashing from the south on wings of flame.
A standard-bearer for the truth lies low;
The Church of Christ hath deeply felt the blow.

His works, his worth, the prestige of his name,
To sorrowing friends most dear, have spread his fame
O'er Europe broad, and many a distant land-
Far ocean isles, on many a coral strand.

A humble friend inscribes this tribute small
To his blest memory. Grateful tear-drops fall
Upon the page. Be still, my heart, and know
He rests with God. His work is done below.

Janet Hamilton


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