Marriage is as old, as man and woman
Adam and Eve were the first
Or was God to man
A marriage of pure love
Today I speak of the traditional
Hello my friend
You are many a lovers’ brightest day
The bride greets you kindly
The groom with uneasiness
Both are mixed with fear and happiness
You are mighty in your conquering of hearts
These days you can come before or after
The child is to be born
We are different than you are use too
We are evil, maybe, but not actually
You are elegant
Always wrapped in roses and white
You are smothered with tears
And beam with a smile at I do
But, you are not for you
Your enemy is divorce
Who always tries to sneak by
And influence your blissful couples
Your strong clout only lasts a year
Then the couple must grab love tight
May you always exist
Do not relent to cloning
Let your union remain strong
You strong foe
Best wishes
Cynthia Yildirim