Aldo Kraas - GRANT US PEACE LORD 2014-06-11

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Grant us peace Lord today and forever more
Because nobody but nobody can make here alone
In you we find delight
You translate dreams of light
Angel of the holly ghost
Almost a gif in the sky in our destination
In you we found our beloved accomplishments
That we dream in life
In you we find the expression of the truth
You are our apotheosis of happiness
Your look fascinates us
Your smile is a saint smile in the line of its beauty
Grant us peace for today and forever
We love you very much as the flowers do in the cold dew that it cries infinitely
You do not forget that we love you
We love you as the bird of the beach loves the sanguine and flaring dawn
Oh you do not forget that we love you
Do not forget that we love you
As much as the waves loves the sea
We love you in such a way as the white pearl loves the sea
We love you very much as the breeze to the fields
And the bard to the moon spilling the light
Grant us peace Lord today and forever more
Give us this day our daily bread
We will come and watch the stars above the hills and above the sea
We will all cheer up
The Lord is king of all kings
We will rejoice with open arms
We will sing glory to you
Lord grant us peace today and forever
We hope you open our eyes today
We want peace more than ever
We fight for peace
We are never going to give up
Lord we want to kiss your face and hug you
Lord grant us peace for today and forever more

Aldo Kraas

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