It is hard to breathe
the wind is forcing itself in me
my vision is blurring
i try and fight it
it seems impossible
a hand is grabbing mine
i hear someone screaming
voi tryed to send me away
yet lily grabbed at the last second
again i cant breathe
and we move again
suddenly i think of her
my heart is taking me to the one i once loved
along with her friends
the ones that once loved me in a differnt way
but have now forgotton me
i no what to do
i am in the same cloack i wore when i gave lily her moon
her rainbow moon
i see my ex Clonly
they are by a bonfire
i walk to it an somehow i no what to do
i havnt seen her for almost 2 years now
they dont recognize me
the music playing stops
i sprinkle dust from a bag into the fire
it starts to change in a rainbow expression
i can see their change in expressions
they are silent
they are in awe
the song that was ares plays from the clouds
i take my hood off and back
shes gasps
her new friend of a boy grabs her hand
he is in shock
i take lilys hands
claude is somehow with us now
but he is transparent
we all grab hand in a trio
we cirlce around
And start to rise
our feet slowly push gravity from reality
Mike Conkey