Lawrence S. Pertillar - His Actions Have Appalled Us All 2014-06-11

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The people have become enraged.
Look at their faces.
He promised us,
With his leadership...
He would attempt to walk on water.
But he asked us to be patient.
Since the task before him was tremendous.
And may require time to undertake!

'Excuse me!
He 'is' walking on water.'

With argyles?
When was the last time,
You saw anyone fashionable...
Wearing argyles?

'Yeah, but...'

But nothing!
No one wears argyles today.
Not a soul.
He's not Scottish!
What he needs to be,
Is impeached.

'What? '

That's right.
I-with an 'm'-P-E-A-with a C-H-E-D...

We expect our leaders 'here' in the 'free' world,
To wear silk suits...
But no! !

He speaks of 'CHANGE'.
Has to wear short sleeve shirts.
Play basketball.
Be cool and stay goodlooking.

Adorn his shoeless feet,
Exposing them covered...
In ARGYLE? ? ?

WHO does he think he is?
Charleston Heston?
AND Billy Dee Willaims?
His actions have appalled us all!

Lawrence S. Pertillar

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