tumble my last unstamped letter?
without amble to the temple
tremble unfit for this unconditional love
you talk dank.. like flood in floor, you look at me..
i hear your breath, comely.. you hurt me..
with shiny eyes, you move my landmark.. equable seize
i hear nothing but your voice snip my ears, it's ample supply
in dark shasm
you get me out.. with brooch in frontal
frown with hand gesture
wear apron tall, mumbling a good advice when your brain call
you try to save me....but i'm adduct in suffer
this addiction kept-me alive like tribute
you look at your phone and you never find my #
you can't call me you can't reach to me
i sell my phone to feed...i'm not naughty
you locked the room and my soul stay there
i freeze my brain to kept my lovely memories, stranger like me..
tremulous wobble wit, wim to be tought and urge to vomit
what i can do if i miss this crazy place,
when you read stay in yours bed and start omit?
ouchaoua youcef