The moment I’m outside those walls,
And out of reach of those that strike,
I can finally breathe.
I walk without fear of feeling a fist,
Or hearing a degrading comment.
The mask I had applied,
Was replaced with a real smile.
Tears fall freely,
Glistening like individual shattered dreams.
My broken soul slowly releases the fear,
As I fall to my knees.
Anger overcomes all emotions,
To create a blur of memories.
I reach into my pocket,
And pull out a reminder for their decisions.
The light hits it perfectly,
Shooting a red light all around.
Silence falls over all those within sight,
As I get up and walk away leaving a trail of red diamonds.
Fire runs up my arms,
Reminding me of my last wish….
I hope they won’t forget the red rain this night,
That represented a tear from every lost angel.
Shay Mitchell