The Savior who died in our stead, now has risen from the dead,
The Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, from that grave to New Life,
Those who saw Him could rejoice, praising God with one voice,
In light that He now has risen, Eternal Life to us, God has given.
Christ, who died for all man’s sin, now in power can reign within,
In every Believer, in their heart, once residing, He will not depart,
New Life, He gives to you and me, life that extends into Eternity
Since He rose we’re not the same; readying us to eternally reign,
When on earth, believers died, they were given bodies Glorified,
Through the power of His Name, each body by God is changed,
That change assured to you and I, by Christ, who reigns on high,
Change gained, from only One, Jesus Christ, God’s Eternal Son.
All Authority was given to Jesus, to change the heart of all of us,
Leading us when we follow Christ, to point all others to New Life,
Pointing men to who we’ve adored, Jesus Christ, our Risen Lord,
The Only One, with power to give, to all believers, new life to live.
The Spotless Lamb, claimed victory, for sinners like you and me,
Victory over both sin and death, providing for His, eternal breath,
When we depart from this earth, then Glorified through New Birth,
To reign with Christ forevermore, upon reaching the eternal shore.
Bob Gotti