They called me cow
I am a sacred animal
The air which touches my body
Becomes pure they believe and it is true
My dung my urine check epidemics
Houses plastered with dung
Are not so much affected
As cemented houses
My dung eliminates poison
My urine is a best medicine
For heart diseases, cancers
Stomach diseases, asthma
Gas is also prepared by my dung
For cooking purposes
The grains produced by my dung
And urine as manure is pure
And it maintains well the fertility
Of the agricultural land
I am gentle and I am a vegetarian
My milk sharpens intellect
And makes the nature mild
In all religious rites
I occupy an important place
My milk churned butter ghee dung
Are used in rites of birth
Tonsure and sacred thread
My milk is used in preparing
Sweet dishes
I am offered as charity to
Priest class Brahmans to
Escape from hell
Panchagavya is used in religious
Ceremonies and it is a
Mixture of my dung urine milk curd and ghee
My ghee is used in religious sacrifices
My milk and ghee are nourishing
Lord Krishna is known as Gopala
Lord Krishna staged a human play
As a cowherd with bare feet
Rear me if you like and be a
Great man for the interest of all
With longevity
I am today being slaughtered daily
And I know if this process continues
I will disappear totally
And my dung will not be there
Without my dung lands will grow barren
No production of corn and cotton
And you O men will b deprived of
The bare necessities of life
Food water clothes and you will
have to lead a miserable life
My slaughter is the main cause of
Famines droughts volcanoes and strives
It is you to think my dear
What to do and what not to do
For the protection of a better world.
gajanan mishra