Needless to say, be it with Agneepath or a Progerian kid in Paa, there is no denying fact that Amitabh Bachchan has often stunned his fans by taking up challenging roles, sporting different looks in each of his films. So coming as a whole new anticipation this time around, the megastar was recently spotted, sporting a yet another shocking look for his upcoming R.Balki's film, Shamitabh! Take a look! Now isn't that something too out of the box? Big B, who is often appreciated for his sense of style, stepped out looking less than fashionable wearing a messy hairdo, shabby white beard and a crumpled suit on the sets of the film. Looks so aged yet rustic na? While the exact character of Big B is yet to be revealed, Shamitabh further pairs up Tollywood star Dhanush and also introduces Kamal Haasan's younger daughter, Akshara Haasan through this film! Well, so getting on to you folks, sound off your comments and stay tuned to Bollywood Uncut/