Sushant Singh Rajput's upcoming film Detective Byomkesh Bakshi has so far been in good anticipations but unfortunately, it doesn't remain the same this time. As per reports, actress Swastika Mukherjee, who is all set to make her Bollywood debut with Sushant Singh in Dibakar Banerjee's 'Detective Byomkesh Bakshi', was recently been hospitalized after she fell off on floor during a late night party. Brought to the hospital with an injured wrist and glass pieces pricked in, though her sister argues that Swastika had held a glass in her hand and hence it crashed into her skin but well, the situation strongly demands us to believe that she might have attempted suicide. In fact, even our gossipmongers are abuzz that the actress allegedly tried to commit suicide due to a fight that she had with her supposed filmmaker boyfriend that night. Whoa...seems like a terrible scene na? Stay tuned to Moviezadda for more updates!
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