Sudan court sentences Christian woman to death for her faith

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There have been protests in Sudan where a court has condemned a woman to death for abandoning her faith after marrying a Christian man.

The pregnant 27-year-old had been ordered to return to Islam. She has also been sentenced to 100 lashes for adultery, as her marriage is deemed invalid under Islamic law.

Outside the court in the capital Khartoum, about 50 people held up signs that read “Freedom of Religion”, while some Islamists celebrated the ruling, chanting “God is 

Young Sudanese university students have mounted a series of protests near Khartoum 
University in recent weeks, asking for an end to human rights abuses, more freedoms 
and better social and economic conditions.

Western embassies and Sudanese activists have condemned what they said were human rights 
abuses and called on the Sudanese Islamist-led government to respect freedom of faith. 

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