ENB Version 0257: http://enbdev.com/mod_darksouls2_v0257.htm
Wicked ENB preset: http://goo.gl/8860L7
Make sure to look under old versions and Optional files and get:
"wickfutENB v0257
added Godrays, working AA, AO, lens effects and sharpening."
And get
"fixed distance depth of field for all ENB versions"
SweetFX http://forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?t=381912
sweetFX preset: http://www.sendspace.com/file/3fkpx4
!!!Make sure to run the game as administator and in Windows NT 4.0 compatibility mode!!!
Also make sure to put all the files in the "game" map and run "ENBInjector"before starting the game.
I have a GTX 580 and with these mods the game still runs 60fps most of the time with some drops to 50/55.
Framerate was around 35/40 while recording with fraps.
I turned ambient occlusion off because it was taking to much fps for me, you can do this by pressing [shift + enter] ingame and unchecking it and save.