Sunken Ship Discovery Yields 1,000 Ounces of Gold

Geo Beats 2014-05-06

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Almost one thousand ounces of gold has been discovered on a shipwreck off the coast of South Carolina, and there might even be more where that came from.

Almost one thousand ounces of gold has been discovered on a shipwreck off the coast of South Carolina, and there might even be more where that came from.

An expedition by Odyssey Marine Exploration Inc. recovered the gold from the S.S. Central America, a steamship that sank during a hurricane in 1857, and is known for having one of the largest cargoes of gold to ever be lost in the ocean.

Most of the passengers on the ship were miners and businessmen who had accumulated their fortunes in gold from years of prospecting, only to lose it all when it went down with the ship.

Remains of the shipwreck were first found in the year 1988.

This time around, divers found five gold ingots worth an estimated 1 point 3 million dollars, along with two twenty dollar Double Eagle coins.

Experts say there might still be many of the coins buried in the wreckage, believed to be worth a total of 86 million dollars.

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