Paris crime squad policemen charged with raping Canadian tourist

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Two Paris police officers from an elite crime squad have been formally accused of raping a Canadian tourist after a drunken night out.

The case has been given added notoriety by the claim that the alleged assault took place at the prestigious squad’s headquarters whose address – 36, quai des Orfèvres – is renowned in France.

The two officers have been freed under judicial supervision. One has reportedly admitted having sex with the woman but insists she consented.

Legal sources say a group of policemen met the 34-year-old at the Galway Irish Pub across the River Seine, popular with crime squad officers.

After an evening of heavy drinking, the woman is said to have agreed to follow them to their HQ. Later, when she had left after the alleged assault, she filed a criminal complaint.

Two other policemen arrested last week in connection with the case have been freed, one without charge, while the other has been named an assisted witness.

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