Vietnam Airlines plane lands with one missing wheel

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Originally published on October 22, 2013

A Vietnam Airlines plane landed with a missing wheel in Da Nang, Vietnam on Monday (October 21). No one on board noticed, according to local media.

The incident involved an ATR-72 turboprop, which is the same model as a Lao Airlines plane that crashed last week. The plane was flying from northern city of Hai Phong to Da Nang city in the south. It was carrying 41 passengers and crew on board. It was reported that no one on board realized there was any problem with the plane during landing.

Local media reports that airport technicians found a broken front axle and one missing front wheel when the aircraft was already in the parking lot. The staff failed to find the wheel at either airports. It is suspected that the wheel might have come off while the plane was in the air. The affected plane is being investigated by the manufacturer. The airline has put all 14 ATR planes on temporary suspension.

Last week, an ATR-72 plane operated by Lao Airlines crashed into the Mekong RIver near Pakse Airport in southern Laos in stormy weather, killing all 49 people on board.

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