"Captain America: The Winter Soldier" has muscled its way to the top spot at the box office.
The film stars Chris Evans as a scrawny World War Two reject given super powers from an experimental serum.
And he's soaring to great heights -- with $96.2 million in weekend ticket sales.
Captain America has gained strength over "Noah" - a film starring Russell Crowe as the biblical figure who built an ark to save his family.
With $17 million in ticket sales this weekend, the film has sailed past divergent teen warriors once again.
At number 3 on the chart, sits dystopian thriller "Divergent," about a world where people are divided and categorized by their personality traits.
Adapted from a popular series of young adult novels, the film has kicked off a new franchise for "Hunger Games" producer Lions Gate Entertainment Corp.
Who will threaten next weekend's top spot? Only time will tell.