I trusted Christopher Bollyn as a "fellow 9/11 witness" of sorts, only to rudely find out via exact timing of assaults on my youtube channel (of truth whistleblowing videos) that he is linked to all 3 attacks/destructions of my youtube channel that began Sept. 2013, and the new one recently under attack again. The 3rd attack was within 15 minutes of emailing him about smoking gun evidence as to Mars Fraud proven, and global internet outage, via google, who Rockefeller owns. (as well as youtube controls). I am sorry to say, something is amiss with Christopher Bollyn, and I should have realized sooner, as he kept secret the information I gave him as a first-hand witness who identified the hijacker, who he met with at wtc, etc, back in Sept. 2013. That channel, announcing the info to the public, only lasted 2 weeks before criminals falsely manipulated it to be closed by making false flaggings.