Baby born on street: NY woman gives birth on crosswalk

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New Yorkers have seen it all, including childbirth in the middle of a busy Manhattan crosswalk. Polly McCourt, 39, left her Upper East Side home in hurry on Monday (February 24) with the help of her doorman, Anton Rudovic, because she was going into labor.

The two desperately tried to hail a cab at the corner, but it was too late, the baby was coming immediately. McCourt lowered herself into the street, with one witness telling a local television station that she said, "Oh my God, the baby's coming."

And right there, in the middle of East 68th Street and 3rd Ave, McCourt gave birth to her third child. Twenty-year-old Isabel Williams was one of the people who witnessed the event, and selflessly gave her coat, sweater and scarf to help keep both mother and child warm until paramedics arrived.

McCourt's husband, Cian McCourt, 40, was stuck in traffic somewhere when he got the call about what was happening, but thankfully, he also managed to make it to the scene before paramedics to his wife and newborn daughter to Lennox Hill Hospital.

According to the McCourts, they took Williams' cell phone number before they parted ways, but lost it in the commotion. Wanting to thank her in person, the couple appealed to the public for help in identifying Williams, whom they only knew by her first name, and soon tracked her down.

"We want to be able to contact her and say thanks," Mrs. McCourt said.

The McCourts also decided to name their daughter after the Good Samaritan, naming her Ila Isabelle McCourt.

Polly McCourt is originally from the village of Black Bourton, Oxfordshire, according to the BBC. Cian McCourt is of Irish origin and works for a law firm in New York. The couple have two other children, Conor, 6, and 4-year-old Adele, according to the New York Daily News. The family reportedly moved to New York four years ago from Dublin.


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