Mirror from YT user jackthaddeusisGOD (COPY 1): "Malia Hosaka is interviewed and briefly describes helping out a poor nobody named Nora Greenwald. Gave her proper ring attire, looked out for her and got her on TV by only her 5th match. Ungrateful Nora uses Malia, stabs her in the back, steals her spot and manipulates her way up the ladder... only to fall right back down again.
Starla Skankton/Saxton exposed. The real Nora "Trailer Trash" Greenwald."
Tags: Former WWF WWE Diva Wrestling Jobber Molly Holly Nora Greenwald Geno Benshoof Not Virgin Mighty Phony Fraud Liar Cunt WHORE Scammer Scams Charity Donations Skank Nutjob Eating Disorders Mental Problems Criminal Con-Artist Sociopath Exposed MNTC MN Teen Challenge Brainwashing Cult Know The Truth NG
*NOTE* This is a mirror copy for Know The Truth NG. I did not make this but have permission to post it.